PanNGO Panel

The PanNgo Panel is now wound up

As of 4 November 2015, the CERA PanNGO panel and it's associated Delegate position has been wound up. See here

Some History

OVTRK approached CERA soon after its inception,  as while they had formally recognised the voice of Commerce no NGO voice was identified. 

CERA then invited OVTRK to work with:
  • Council of Social Services (COSS) - recently COSS has changed to Social Equity and Wellbeing Network (SEWN)
  • Social Service Providers Association
  • Youth Network
  • Older Persons Network 

and to be involved in developing the role and the process for a PanNGO delegate from the NGO sector to join their Community Wellbeing Planning Team and subsequently its Psychosocial subcommittee. 

These 5 groups each provide 2 representatives on a PanNGO Support Panel to support the delegate position. 

It was agreed for this position to be a jointly filled by Wendy Dallas-Katoa (tangata whenua) and Sara Epperson (tangata Tiriti) reflecting commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

These two people filled the role from when they were appointed 31 January 2013 till 20 March 2015 when the Support Panel was very grateful that Sharon Torstonson would fulfill the role as interim delegate.

Below are documents outlining the delegate role and the support panel structure.

   Outline for the role and instructions for applicants
Please note that it was not necessary to be employed by an NGO to be eligible for the role.  People with voluntary experience, for example, were absolutely welcome to apply.
Since the release of this document, as summarized above the youth sector has suggested having 2 delegates from each group (OVTRK, COSS, SSPA, youth sector, aged sector) rather than 1.  This suggestion was accepted by the other groups.