Monday 6 July 2015

Christchurch Recovery Plan - have your say

Your feedback  to this is needed by Thursday 2pm 9 July 

OVTRK has been given the opportunity to make a presentation on 10 July to the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Implementation Committee (UDSIC).  

The newly released Recovery: Transition to Regeneration plan (see section 6.1) refers to the UDSIC (membership) role in considering overall leadership and coordination of the plan, so this is a well timed opportunity! 

We were asked to send background to our OVTRK presentation to UDSIC before the new reports were released. (We slightly amended what we had submitted to the CCC LTP.) 

We can add to this when we go on 10 July, so do send any suggestions to strengthen the voices of NGOs - to <>. 

Note: the new Recovery Transition to Regeneration plan refers to the  Advisory Board on Transition (ABT) report to the Minister

Let's all keep in touch about submissions we make on the plan - at the moment they close on 30 July.